New Rules & Procedures
Posted on 22 Jun 2020 in News
These are our Rules & Procedures in regard to Covid-19.
Please familiarise yourself with these arrangements before your arrival at York Meadows.
1. Arrival Procedures
a. We have put in place systems and procedures to ensure, as far as possible, that your stay with us is safe from the effects of Covid-19. To that end we urge you to engage with our precautions, in particular social distancing and hygiene arrangements. These should apply both within the park and when moving around the local area. Please note 1 person maximum is allowed in the shop/Reception area.
b. Please do not travel to York Meadows if anyone in your party has any of the publicised symptoms of Covid-19 or has been in contact with someone who was tested positive.
c. To minimise contact time on arrival electronic payment of the balance must be made prior to arrival.
d. In 2020 the UK Government introduced an NHS QR code system within England & Wales. The system allows individuals to download a Government App and then scan a code within hospitality venues, to “check in” to the venue. This is entirely voluntary, and whilst not a requirement for customers to “check in”, York Meadows, and other campsites or holiday parks, are legally bound to display the NHS QR Code posters at its campsites. We feel strongly that containing outbreaks at an early stage and reducing the ability for the COVID virus to spread is ultimately beneficial to us all and are asking our customers to support the use of the new system.
2. Park Rules
a. Some communal facilities have restrictions on occupancy. These are displayed at entrances.
b. Our normal high standards of hygiene in shower/laundry blocks will be enhanced and we encourage you to additionally use the cleaning materials provided before and after use. Dispose of used items in the bins provided.
c. To be extra safe bring soap, hand gel, gloves, toilet roll, disinfectant hand sanitiser for personal use.
d. Do not gather in social groups or invite visitors to the site.
e. Maintain social distancing when moving around the park and between adjacent pitches particularly when using side awnings.
f. Do not allow children to roam unsupervised around the park to ensure compliance with the social distancing rule at all times.
g. Deliveries of take-away food or supermarket deliveries can only be made at the park entrance.
h. Our outdoor play areas are open but parents are responsible for supervising their children. Normal hygiene routines should be followed i.e. sanitising hands on entry and exit from the play area and hand sanitisers will be provided. Our indoor play area is currently closed.
i. Please use the contact numbers posted on the Shop/Reception door if any member of your party develops Covid-19 related symptoms.
j. Face covering must be worn in all indoor public areas. These include the shop, laundry and toilet / shower blocks.
k. Children aged 11 or over must wear a face covering in all indoor public areas.
l. No pitches are allowed to mix or socialise. It is one household only to a pitch and only a max of 6 people to a pitch.
m. Please note we are not accepting day visitors.
3. Deposit / Refund Policy
a. A deposit of £25.00 on advanced bookings (£50.00 for a full week booking or bank holiday) is required.
Cancellation due to Covid restrictions: Your deposit will be refundable or transferable, within the 2021 season, should we have to close Golden Square due to government guidelines.
Cancellation by you: Your deposit will be non-refundable or transferable should you cancel your booking.